
Caption CERN Contest Week 11

A contest log for Caption CERN Contest

Caption CERN, win a prize!

adam-fabioAdam Fabio 04/16/2015 at 05:2952 Comments

Week 11: 4/15/2015 - 9pm PDT 4/22/2015

We've got something a bit different this week: Two images from CERN's archives! Both of these images feature a lovely PDP-11 from Digital Equipment in Galway, Ireland. They also feature two CERN researchers. The scientist on the left is wearing typical hacker attire - sneakers, jeans, and a comfy shirt. The hacker on the right went for something which we're guessing was a bit more stylish back in 1982, but hasn't quite held up to the test of time.

These scientists must have been doing some heavy duty number crunching to need a PDP-11. Do you know what that strange hand wired rack of equipment is in the center? Do you have any idea where we can find a pair of harem pants like the woman on the left? Write a caption and let us know!

Link to the original left CERN image, and original right CERN image.

Add your humorous caption as a comment to this project log. Make sure you're commenting on this project log, not on the project itself.

As always, if you actually have information about the image or the people in it, let CERN know on the original image discussion page.

Good Luck!


Vito wrote 04/17/2015 at 06:32 point

This machine connected for the first time two parallel universes, as it can exist at the same time in both of them. The two universes depicted in the photos are almost identical, although in one of them they have no bras.

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typo wrote 04/17/2015 at 05:52 point

Successful demonstration of the de-freak-o-tron.

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Shrad wrote 04/17/2015 at 05:32 point

Gina and Sally were very disappointed when Haley 168E signed in for the miss CERN contest that year... With that much geek guys around, they wouldn't have stand a chance of winning against her new iteration!

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Engineer wrote 04/17/2015 at 04:31 point

Introducing: 4D Stereoscopic images.
Bringing the third AND fourth dimensions to you.

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Alphanumeric Character wrote 04/17/2015 at 04:16 point

Dammit Jim, you flopped when you should have flipped!

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starbounce2001 wrote 04/17/2015 at 02:29 point

Electra Woman and Dyna Girl hard at work in the ElectraBase using the CrimeScope computer (known later in civilian markets as the PDP-11)

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AltMarcxs wrote 04/17/2015 at 01:25 point

So much space left for upgrades, right pictures: still waiting for any upgrades.

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Andre Esteves wrote 04/17/2015 at 00:38 point

The transformation!

Pic1: Before Phd !!! Pic2: After Phd...

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MECHANICUS wrote 04/17/2015 at 00:26 point

Unfortunately Ingrid was exposed to a wayward blackhole juxtaposing her hair and clothing  with an alternate reality 1890's version of herself.

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DainBramage wrote 04/16/2015 at 23:57 point

Parents, don't let this happen to your daughter! These shocking before and after photos illustrate the dangers of allowing your teenagers to use a modern electronic adding machine. Don't let your child become a NERD! Keep them safely away from these evil, soul-stealing thinking machines.

Aluminum foil hats sold here, only $9.98 each.

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Rémy B wrote 04/16/2015 at 23:52 point

Caution: Flipping a file makes you look older.

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