11:39 AM
how doable would it be to balloon a set of mini rockets, then right before balloon pops, ignite the rockets and send small robots to the moon, no?

Jan11:39 AM
I'm still searching for a way to upload csv files via upload form and then displaying them via dygraphs. but uploading files via form of course is not a jekyll/github thing

Jarrett11:39 AM
though tbf, I think it was entirely mysql that shit the bed a couple days ago and is the reason I have to reinstall, and also causing me installation grief again

-= Wolf =-11:39 AM
you would save the fuel/weight needed to get to stratosphere

anfractuosity11:40 AM



Rockoon - Wikipedia

A rockoon (from and ) is a solid fuel sounding rocket that, rather than being immediately lit while on the ground, is first carried into the upper atmosphere by a gas-filled balloon, then separated from the balloon and ignited.

Read this on Wikipedia

Jarrett11:40 AM
that's a good question, wolf, you should ask it on the event page so it gets asked by the moderator

JImmyMoe11:40 AM
Ok, I know you all get sick of me talking about this but I am subscribed to one of the best Online Security Newsletters in the business called HackerNews and I keep seeing these types of articles on almost a Quarterly basis. Last time Jan 2018 I posted something like this I was challenged and told that WordPress had "Just" upgraded with a new version of their product that just got out of months of testing. I predicted it would be hacked in 3 months and no less than a week later it was hacked. There HAVE been other hacks and issues since and here is the latest! See: https://thehackernews.com/2018/06/wordpress-hacking.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheHackersNews+%28The+Hackers+News+-+Security+Blog%29&_m=3n.009a.1774.ry0ao0750c.130n

-= Wolf =-11:40 AM
lol, Rockoon

Jarrett11:41 AM
ehhh, everything has security flaws that get discovered, wordpress just has a huuuge attack surface and is very high profile

-= Wolf =-11:41 AM
I think is doable, we could send cube sats extremely cheap, and small moon missions carrying small rovers for exploration and research as well

Jarrett11:42 AM
as long as you stay on top of wordpress updates, it's safe

Jarrett11:42 AM
many people don't, though :)

JImmyMoe11:42 AM
Back to the High Altitude thing... I'm having trouble finding a source for Balloons at a reasonable price. I used to have a source for Military Weather Balloons but that dried up and online pricing sucks on ice..

Morning.Star11:42 AM



Jarrett11:42 AM
have you checked out Aliexpress?

anfractuosity11:42 AM
@JImmyMoe what country are you in?

Jeremy joined  the room.11:42 AM

Jarrett11:42 AM
I think I recall some decent ones for $100 or $200 or so

Jarrett11:43 AM
although asking about sources is something good to write on the event page

JImmyMoe11:43 AM
Ya' Seriously Jarrett, No Lie the last WordPress Site I was asked to work on was 72 updates behind.. For Freaking REAL!

-= Wolf =-11:43 AM
why don't you set it to auto update?

Dan Maloney11:43 AM
@JImmyMoe - that's a great question for the Hack Chat. Please ask Jeremy and Jason when we start.

JImmyMoe11:44 AM
Wolf, It wasn't my problem until I was asked to look at it.

JImmyMoe11:45 AM
anfractuosity, I'm in the State of Wisconsin in the USA.

anfractuosity11:46 AM
ah, was gonna mention http://www.randomengineering.co.uk/Random_Aerospace/Balloons.html but that's not gonna help you

JImmyMoe11:46 AM
Jarrett. Yup, If you have a source for better priced Weather Balloons Let me know. What size where those?

JImmyMoe11:46 AM
MOrning Star... Just Subscribed to your Tangerine Dream YouTube Thingy..

Jason Cope joined  the room.11:47 AM

JImmyMoe11:48 AM
anfractuosity, I bookmarked it and I'll look at it later. I buy from the UK from time to time.

Jason Cope11:50 AM
We can discuss more about the balloon in a few minutes, but I recommend purchasing the balloons from Kaymont. They specialize in HAB balloons. If you buy from a China manufacturer you're more likely to have defects and premature bursts

Jason Cope11:50 AM



Kaymont | High Altitude Photography Balloons

Kaymont high altitude balloons are consistent, reliable and trusted by professionals worldwide.

Read this on Kaymont Consolidated | Weather Balloons | United States

Jason Cope11:51 AM
I recommend the HAB 1000 - 1500

Jason Cope11:51 AM
They cost about $120 and you can purchase directly from them

Chris Capobianco joined  the room.11:51 AM

anfractuosity11:55 AM
Hey, should we add questions to the HaD page for this chat, or just ask them here?

Chris Capobianco11:55 AM
What do you recommend in terms of the rope/line to connect the balloon to the parachute and the payload? Is there a minimum strength of nylon that you recommend?

paul joined  the room.11:56 AM

Andrew Smart11:56 AM
This caught my eye, since there is no line-of-sight for broadcasting into Cuba, they use a tethered balloon to broadcast political propaganda:



Amusing to me.

Up to 4600m tethered and ~98% availability, interesting reading on the system.

Dan Maloney11:57 AM
@anfractuosity - You can ask them here or put them in the event page and I'll relay them. We'll get "officially" started in just a few minutes, but feel free to just chat away!

anfractuosity11:57 AM
cool cheers!

Jeremy11:58 AM
I've always been intrigued by tethered balloons- but have to get creative to prevent them from moving too far

Jason Cope11:58 AM
For a rope/line any Kite Line should be fine. The FAA has a regulation that states your line needs to break under 200lbs (I need to double check this number)

Jason Cope11:58 AM
This is the line that we use... https://www.amazon.com/EMMAKITES-Braided-WhiteRed-Contrasting-Activities/dp/B01BDLFFXQ?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00

JImmyMoe11:58 AM
Thank you Jason Got it bookmarked!

Jason Cope11:59 AM
Very reliable, doesn't fray, and gives you strong knots

Bryan Bennett joined  the room.11:59 AM

anfractuosity11:59 AM
Hey, I'm curious how you choose what size balloon to use, based on the payload size etc., and if you want it to 'float' etc.?

Dan Maloney12:01 PM
OK, looks like we have a good crowd, so let's get started. I'm really excited about this Hack Chat, and I want to thank @Jeremy and @Jason Cope for stopping by today to talk about High-Altitude Ballooning. J&J, take it away! Maybe tell us a little about how you got into HAB?

Bryan Bennett12:01 PM
Anyone know where to purchase helium? Or hydrogen preferred? We used helium in our first and only launch about 2 years ago, but now it is difficult to find.

Jeremy12:01 PM
Hey guys, really excited to talk with you guys about High Altitude Balloons!

Jason Cope12:02 PM
Picking a balloon size is really personal preference to how high you want to get. Our first launch we started with a HAB 1000.... fyi the number also indicates the weight of the balloon

Chris Capobianco12:02 PM
@Jason Cope Thanks! How long is the train on your HAB? Would one of those spools be sufficient?

Jason Cope12:02 PM
Our goal was to break 100,000 ft and we were able to accomplish that with a HAB 1000 balloon

anfractuosity12:03 PM
thanks a lot! didn't realise it was balloon weight

Jason Cope12:03 PM
One of those spools will last you mannnny launches

JImmyMoe12:03 PM
Hey, if someone can get back to me on how your doing Push Notifications on this Hack Chat. Love the Technology.

Jason Cope12:03 PM
From the balloon to the payload it's about 40 ft in total length

Jeremy12:03 PM
We first got introduced with the Global Space Balloon Challenge, an amateur competition- and used that as motivation reach as high as we could.

JImmyMoe12:04 PM
Has anyone done 100,000 ft.

Jason Cope12:04 PM
For the helium... I recommend searching for Welding supply companies. They are scattered everywhere and you should be able to find a shop within a 30 minute drive

copes1996 joined  the room.12:04 PM

Jason Cope12:04 PM
I also recommend getting around 200 cubic ft of helium. That will be enough for your launch with a little left over

paul12:05 PM
(Paul with NCnearspace.org here -- Veteran of over 70 HAB flights. I’m around if you get stumped on anything… )

Jeremy12:05 PM
The entire process is a adventure to say the least- from the planning that goes into setting up the launch to the tracking and retrieving the payload- there is a lot involved and a little for every one

Jason Cope12:06 PM
Thank you for joining the chat Paul! We appreciate any expert input on this topic

Jeremy12:06 PM
Hey @Paul - 70 flights, that's impressive!

Dan Maloney12:06 PM
Protip - buy your own cylinder. It's pricey up front, but it's cheaper than leasing in the long run. And they usually do the first fill for free ;-)

Bryan Bennett12:06 PM
I am new to this, and I apologize for my ignorance, but is there no audio in this "Hack Chat"? Is it just typed messages?

Dan Maloney12:06 PM
@Bryan Bennett - that's right, we just do text.

Dan Maloney12:07 PM
Imagine the anarchy otherwise, lol!

Jason Cope12:07 PM
Great point Dan!!

Jason Cope12:08 PM
If anyone wants some tips on tying knots I usually use the Buntline Hitch knot followed by a backup knot

Jason Cope12:08 PM



Backup Knot - How to tie a Backup Knot

How to tie a Backup Knot illustrated and animated.

Read this on Netknots

Jason Cope12:08 PM



Backup Knot - How to tie a Backup Knot

How to tie a Backup Knot illustrated and animated.

Read this on Netknots

Jeremy12:09 PM
This site is essential if when you are planning out where to launch your balloon http://predict.habhub.org

Jason Cope12:09 PM



Buntline Hitch - How to tie a Buntline Hitch

How to tie a buntline hitch with illustrated and animated examples

Read this on Netknots

Bryan Bennett12:09 PM
I tried the Welding shops, but due to a current reduction in the availability of helium, they will only sell helium to existing customers with an account.

Dan Maloney12:09 PM
So what do you guys think the minimum kit is to get a simple payload up and recover it? Payload would be like a GoPro to take some pics and whatever is needed to track/recover.

Jason Cope12:09 PM
During our last launch I ran into the same problem as Bryan. I kept calling around and the second or third phone call I found someone that had supply to sell

John Powell joined  the room.12:10 PM

Jeremy12:10 PM
We are here on the east coast, and if we don't plan accordingly most of our flights would go out to sea. We've flown out west once and drove another time, its all about selecting a launch location as well.

Jeremy12:10 PM
GoPro is great- I search eBay for used ones

JImmyMoe12:11 PM
Jason, I haven't bought Helium lately how big a container is that?

Jeremy12:11 PM
We also include hand warmers in our payload to make sure the electronics don't freeze mid flights

John Powell12:11 PM
I never fly without both a spot unit and a low power (10 mwatt) beacon.

Jason Cope12:11 PM
It's about 8 inches in diameter in 5' tall... I was able to fit it in my Toyota Camry

Maris.schweitzer joined  the room.12:11 PM

Jeremy12:12 PM
For tracking I found the easiest solution is the MicoTrak 1000 by a company called Byonics.

Jeremy12:12 PM
MicroTrak 1000

Jeremy12:12 PM



Byonics - MicroTrak

The MicroTrak tracker line combines the TinyTrak controller with a GPS and built in transmitter. They are available in portable, car, and high altitude balloon versions, and are available pre-configured with your amateur radio callsign.

Read this on Byonics

Jason Cope12:12 PM
For the structure of the HAB... a supply list would include: Balloon, Parachute, Radar Reflector, Rope/Kite Line, Orange Duct Tape

Jason Cope12:13 PM
For the payload... a supply list would include: Payload box (styrofoam), Camera, GoPro, Backup Batteries, Tracker, Backup Tracker, Any sensors (temp, pressure, humidity)

Dan Maloney12:14 PM
I take it the radar reflector is required by the FAA?

Jeremy12:14 PM
The MicroTrak requires you to get your HAM license, but there are plenty of lessons online and should be available tests in your community.

Morning.Star12:14 PM
Anyone thought about lofting a drone configured to come home with your data? ;-)

Dan Maloney12:14 PM
@Jeremy - that was my next question: what band does that transmit on?

morgan12:15 PM
someone dropped a glider recently I seem to recall

Jeremy12:15 PM
Yea rada reflector is required- but they are very simply to make yourself.

paul12:15 PM
That glider was me. Uncontrolled

Dan Maloney12:15 PM
@Morning.Star - I did a story on HaD once about a balloon that lofted a glider that flew back to a target autonomously.

-= Wolf =-12:15 PM
do you track the balloon altitude and position (GPS) using a laptop and some software? or raw data on some lcd display?

Dan Maloney12:16 PM


