Der Chaos Computer Club Freiburg ist ein bunter Haufen von freiheitsliebenden Mitmenschen, CCC Mitgliedern, Informatikern, Bloggern, Free Software Aktivisten, Datenreisenden, Datenschützern und Leuten, die sich einfach gerne treffen.

Find more information on our website Website (German) or in our wiki Project Documentation Wiki (German).

If you want to visit us, contact, our public (archived) mailing list or visit our jabber chat room (anonymous webclient

Our pages still need further rework to be readable by international guests. If you have any questions or want to visit us, ask us directly to get more informations. We are situated near main Rail Station Freiburg in the Black Forest. You may take a short 5 minute walk from the main train station.

The open-state is here