
Hardware Happy Hour tonight in Chicago

oshparkoshpark wrote 06/13/2017 at 18:23 • 2 min read • Like
Hardware Happy Hour (3H) Chicago is 6:30pm tonight at St. Lou’s Assembly

with @Chris Gammell, @Andrew Sowa, @Drew Fustini and more!

June 3H Meetup

Just because we'll be talking hardware and electronics doesn't mean we can't do it on a patio on a summer evening, right?

Join us for a Hardware Happy Hour on Tuesday June 13th! We'll be at St Lou's Assembly on the back patio.
You've had a few months, so hopefully you have a new project you can bring and show off! If not, you have about 2 weeks to finish one to bring it with you. Hope to see you all there, please feel free to invite others!

We'll also be joined by Sebastian Gajate (@SGTECH) who will be in town from Argentina, doing a nerd tour of the midwest/east coast. Stop by and say hi and hear about the hardware culture in South America.

