
Friday Hack Chat: Perfect Purple PCBs

oshparkoshpark wrote 06/23/2017 at 05:39 • 1 min read • Like

We’re doing a Hack Chat today (Friday June 23rd) at 12:00 pm US PDT!oshparkhackchat.png

Friday Hack Chat: Perfect Purple PCBs

Every Friday, we gather ’round the hot air gun over on, invite some cool people over, and get them to talk about what they do. This is the Hack Chat. It’s become a tradition, and already we’ve had a ton of awesome people walk through our doors.

This week, we’re inviting [Drew Fustini] and [Dan Sheadel] to talk about what OSH Park does, how they became the first place that comes to mind when you need a PCB. They’ll explain why the boards are purple, environmental regulations for PCB manufacturing in the US, shared projects and tips and tricks for creating the perfect board.


