
ATXMega32E5 adapted for a breadboard

oshparkoshpark wrote 07/11/2017 at 17:36 • 2 min read • Like

From @Nick Sayer of Geppetto Electronics on Tindie:


ATXMega32E5 breakout board

The ATXMega32E5 is the next step up for those experienced with the AVR series of microcontrollers from Microchip (formerly Atmel). They use the same compilers and libraries as the rest of the AVR 8- and 16-bit families, but they can run at 32 MHz and have an amazingly powerful set of internal peripherals that can take your projects to the next level and beyond.


For prototyping, however, the disadvantage is that the XMega chips are not available as through-hole parts. That’s where this breakout board comes into play.

nsayer has shared the board on OSH Park:

ATXMega_E5 breakout v1.0

9ccb24bd9f9b447019c3a97cfa9dd06b.pngOrder from OSH Park

