
Ada Lovelace Fellowship deadline is April 30th

oshparkoshpark wrote 04/29/2018 at 16:58 • 1 min read • Like

The application deadline is Monday, April 30th, for the Ada Lovelace Fellowship to attend the 2018 Open Hardware Summit:

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Ada Lovelace Fellowship

The Ada Lovelace Fellowship was founded in 2013 prior to the annual Open Hardware Summit at MIT by Summit Chair Addie Wagenknecht and OSHWA Director Alicia Gibb as a way to encourage women,  LGBTA+ and/or other minorities in open technology and culture to actively participate and foster a more diverse community within open source.
For the sixth year, we are excited to offer up to ten Open Hardware Fellowships to members of the community which includes a $500 travel stipend and entrance to the Open Hardware Summit.
By offering the annual travel and summit conference assistance to community members,  the Open Source Hardware Association hopes we as a community can encourage more women, LGBTA+ and/or people of color to participate in open source. We have many strong leaders and speakers in our field and we personally want to continue the trend upward

