
reset(); initialize();

patrickPatrick wrote 05/24/2019 at 18:32 • 2 min read • Like

I am just getting started with Hackaday and am learning how to present the information I want to present.  

I'm not sure what's what at this point, so am starting by "adding a page".   I'm believe this "page" is associated with my profile (not with a specific project), and so is probably the most general stuff, in nature, that I can type.

I suspect this constitutes my profile-associated stream-of-consciousness, real-time "blog".   Similar to what I might write on Facebook, there are a series of "pages" that are topical to whatever I happen to want to talk about at a given point in time.   It *might* reference projects, sub-projects, repositories, or other web-pages of my own or other folks, and parts of it *might* be project specific, or not.

Associated with each project are a number of structures, including  a "Details" box,  and

I'm not sure how to best use these.   I have already started the "Details" box, but I don't think what I typed there is appropriate.  I think "details" is a single set of text and would be best served as a brief presentation of the highest level architecture of the system.    I feel like "Logs" or "Discussion", and even references to external "Files"  are probably more appropriate for keeping a history of the project and/or providing more rigidly structured information like detailed architectures and designs.

I do know that I want to document this journey.   Both my personal emotional and day-to-day feelings and situations, as well as providing a more stable and static technical presentation and discussion of the pieces and parts of it.   

From this page, I feel like I need to try each of the above things "Files thru Discussion" and see how they work.

... Patrick



Ken Yap wrote 05/25/2019 at 01:50 point

Nothing is ever a perfect fit, but I find that Details is for how you would present the project as if it were fait accompli. You may have to modify it from time to time until it reaches the final form. It should be possible to understand your project by reading Details without reference to Logs. Remember that you can create sections, see the format button. It's a pity the editor doesn't support HTML fragments for intradocument links. You can also create links to Pages or external resources for large descriptions.

Logs document the steps in the journey. Some people like to write a lot, some like to present just the results, some use it for interesting anecdotes. The problem with using Logs instead of Details to describe the project is that it's structured like a blog, most recent first, so not easy to read chronologically. And sometimes the chronological order is not the best pedagogical order. How often have you realised that you could have saved some backtracking that now seem pointless to mention.

Discussion is just the comments on the project page.

Files and Instructions I sometimes use for quick projects. For large projects I prefer to put supporting material on sites like Github for ease of update and backup.

Anyway I'm sure you'll find your preferred modus operandi.

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