
Going in an entirely different direction

A project log for CNC Electroforming Machine

Electroforming of metals, using cnc, wire and an electrolyte.

mechanicusMECHANICUS 03/21/2016 at 23:590 Comments

I don' think the laser makes sense, I will be attempting to make a simple high voltage DC magnetron and sputtering the aluminum through the magnetron at the build plate.

This will allow layer heights as low as .1 micron and incredible resolution if I can focus the magnetron beam to a small enough point. A refractory epoxy will be used to glue very small magnets into a copper pipe using another magnet oriented in the opposite direction in the center.

Print times will be massive but its the cost of printing so small.

I will be entering this into the automation portion of the 2016 HAD prize.
