
SunLeaf as a Product or Commercial Solution

A project log for SunLeaf

A solar powered wireless picopower sensor module with cloud Datalogging and control geared towards agriculture and environmental monitoring

avrAVR 11/29/2020 at 01:430 Comments

Hope everyone's holiday season is off to a good start despite the pandemic still in full swing. As some of you may know SunLeaf has been continued as part of a bigger project on here called Agricoltura IO. 

At this time I am working on the project again and focusing on making it more appealing as a product or commercial application. I would like to hear from folks that are interested in this and what sort of applications they would want to use SunLeaf for and what sort of feature's they would like to see. Feel free to comment on this project log or message me directly with your thoughts and concerns. Things are about to get more exciting this winter. 

Thank your for your continued support of all my projects over the years on this platform!

Happy Hacking!
