
Regarding Braille actuators

A project log for Text reader for the visually impaired

An opensource device which will help the visually impaired or blind in reading the normal text.

tanishqTanishq 04/14/2018 at 15:150 Comments

In the final project, Braille actuators will be really really tiny stepper motor I saw the other day on ebay, meanwhile it arrives from china, I made my own actuators with the most simplest solenoid lying around me: 5V relays.

By simple modification I managed to put six of them on a Prefboard inside an Acrylic case.

It is definitely not a final prototype or stage of the hardware, just did because I wanted to know, as soon as possible, what those people who are actually visually impaired think about the project, I'll go to the nearby school for the children with disabilities and film their views about the project and post the video here.

Stay tuned.
