
Pre-installed behavioral programs on FED3

A project log for Feeding Experimentation Device 3 (FED3)

Version 3 of our home-cage feeding device, FED. FED3 includes nosepokes and stimuli for behavioral training.

lex-kravitzLex Kravitz 10/09/2018 at 03:060 Comments

FED3 includes SEVEN behavioral programs that can be selected directly from the FED, no computer needed.  All of FED3's code is open source so you can tweak these programs further or write your own if you need to.  

Free-feeding (FED3 acts like FED1/FED2)

FR1, FR3, FR5 (fixed ratio programs where a set number of pokes is needed to get a pellet)

Progressive Ratio (the number of pokes needed increases with each pellet)

Extinction (no pellets, but log behavior on left and right pokes)

Light tracking (a visual learning task in which the animal has to poke where the light is)

See these in action below:
