
Success with PIC16F1768

A project log for Universal Glucometer

Did your test strips just get more expensive? Has the drug store run out of strips for YOUR meter? Like to be able to use any test strip?

tom-meehanTom Meehan 06/27/2016 at 08:250 Comments

This "Hello World" was just about as tough as the one for the PIC16F877A. Took a whole lot of trial and error (mostly error).

What Config bits need to be set

Setting up Internal Oscillator

Making it easier to use " __delay_ms(1000);". I'm at a distinct disadvantage since I'm fairly new to programming in C and even newer to programming PIC microcontrollers. So, setting configuration bits has been a bit of an adventure.

Links to Datasheet and to XC8 compiler guide
