
Printer is Next

A project log for Raspberry Pi Photobooth

This build has been done with the picamera and junk in my garage.

doctorlardoctorlar 04/12/2016 at 05:071 Comment

So I bought a Sony UP-DR200 dye sub printer to go with this. I had a hell of a time getting the drivers installed. So, I found a great script and modified it so that it just installs Cups and Gutenprint. If you're stuck with getting print drivers installed, even if its not this one, check it out here:


doctorlar wrote 04/17/2016 at 07:21 point

I CAN PRINT!!!!!  That took an entire day.  Crazy.  I found an excellent file that another guy wrote for some instagram stuff.  I'm testing the mod and will post.  With just a few steps, it will load the current Cups and Gutenprint.

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