
Raspberry Pi Zero arrived

A project log for The B-button v2.0

A media player with skipping songs kept in mind. Actually, that's its main feature.

casplantjecasplantje 04/20/2016 at 14:460 Comments

The Raspberry Pi Zero arrived yesterday, I've soldered the PlainDAC+, buttons and a usb connector to the board with some wires so I don't have the usb plug for the wifi adapter sticking out the side. I also got the basic functionality of the software going but the device is currently on my desk with its guts in a bowl.

The usb connector, based on this hack.

Next step is getting it to work as wifi Access Point so it'll work anywhere. I might add a button combination to switch between AP and client mode so you can revert if the connection fails.

I'll wait with finishing the hardware part until I've received the lithium polymer battery so until then it's software tweaking.
