
It seems to be audio

A project log for RRB - The Radio Rewind Button

Radio killed the Video-recorder Star

magicwolfiMagicWolfi 09/26/2018 at 01:460 Comments

Configuration of the FM receiver was very straight forward. Here is the script in Teraterm language, my preferred choice of terminal software.

; power up the FM receiver: CTS and GPO2 enabled, external RCLK, analog output
sendln '[0x22 0x01 0xc0 0x05]'#13
pause 1
; Get version information
sendln '[0x22 0x10][0x23 r:8]'#13
pause 1
;set FM tune frequency to 8990 = 0x231E
sendln '[0x22 0x20 0x00 0x23 0x1E]'#13
pause 1
;Use GET_INT_STATUS (command 0x14) or hardware interrupts Until STC bit is set
sendln '[0x22 0x14][0x23 r:2]'#13
pause 1
;Call FM_TUNE_STATUS With INTACK bit set (command 0x22)
sendln '[0x22 0x22 0x01]'#13
pause 1

To be added: scope plot of the line out signal and description of listening to it.
