
Discussion: e-paper display options

A project log for 2018 Open Hardware Summit badge

electronic conference badge for 2018 Open Hardware Summit attendees

oshparkoshpark 04/05/2018 at 16:020 Comments

Last year, I made a badge using a 2.13" Pervasive e-paper display:

It originally used code from Jarek Lupisinki for a Freescale microcontroller (the Teensy) and later Zach Archer wrote the wonderful FancyEPD library which can do faster updates and even 4-bit greyscale!

However, I grew disappointed with Pervasive as the display I used was out of stock for over 6 months on Digi-Key (their only distributor).  I know they have some new models now, but in the meantime, I tried out Crystal Fontz, and Waveshare.  Waveshare is currently my preference as their displays are about half the cost and I have had no trouble ordering direct from Waveshare in China.

Mike Rankin has done a great project called the ESP trINKet using the ESP32 and Waveshare e-paper:
