
Frying ICs and getting things to Glow

A project log for A Rotary Dial, Stepper Actuated Safe w USSR Nixies

When you enter the correct code on the rotary dial a box will open and you can hide your stuff, with nixie dial feedback!

isaxiSax 04/03/2018 at 20:000 Comments

Did some work on getting the IN-4 tubes to glow via two shift registers. After connecting everything I realized I somehow managed to fry 4 of my K155ID1 ICs. It took a while to figure out that they were damaged. I had one left to get the setup running.

Since I don't have the original sockets I've had to make my own, I found a bunch of female connectors that I could solder onto the green wires. I also marked all the numbers. Since I chose not to mount the tubes straight onto a PCB I had a hard time making a holder for them. I eventually settled for vulcanizing rubber and a metal framework.

That was all for today, I did already order new K155ID1:s and while waiting I'll continue on the hardware side.
