
Knob Sourcing

A project log for NanoEgg Music Synthesizer

A powerful little music synthesizer with a classic look!

t-b-trzepaczT. B. Trzepacz 05/07/2016 at 01:200 Comments

While I designed a 3d printed knob, I know that it is going to look pretty crappy and take a long time to print, so I'm looking into other knob sources.

Somebody on Facebook mentioned this knob from Radio Shack (they still exist!) but it is $3.50 each, adding $150 to the cost of the project just for knobs!

So the search for a cheaper knob continues:

~$2 each

~$0.70 each

Got the cost down to $30 for all the knobs, but that is still kinda a lot. Hmmm. Can I do better?

Oh hey, AliExpress has for $0.26 if I buy 1000 of them...,searchweb201602_3_10017_10034_10021_507_10022_10020_10018_10019,searchweb201603_6&btsid=7c70a736-cedd-4bcb-8399-ea5e2d0c3008
