
Automated Configuration Utility

A project log for vESPrino - ESP8266 dongle

Develop IoT projects on this simple dongle using the ESP8266 module. Button, Led and Temperature included

vladimir-savchenkoVladimir Savchenko 06/07/2016 at 14:360 Comments

Something that is quite frustrating when you just need to see something working is the fact that you need to develop some program. And let it report data to some service that you are not yet well aware of.

This is where another added value feature of the vESPrino comes into play.

The automatic configuration utility (a Chrome Extension) will connect tot he device and configure it via COM Port.

Supported online services are Thingspeak, Ubidots, SAP HCP Internet of Things Service and IFTTT. As well as any custom HTTP or MQTT Server.

This way you can focus on seeing it work first and then start to tinker with firmwares. Of course you can always get back to the original one.

The screenshot below is when a vAir CO2 Monitor is connected, but it will work similar also with the vESPrino!
