

A project log for Jenkins Led Strip Indicator

Visualise your teams Jenkins job status in physical way

jstenjsten 05/29/2018 at 21:030 Comments

As mentioned in previous log entry, the LPC1768 micro-controller weren't up for the task and I decided to switch to a Raspberry PI! Naturally there are pros and cons with this kind of solution, namely:

With that the project was done, I wrote a quick and dirty Python script which connected to our Jenkins server, it polled the latest Job status and queue length. Bit banged the data to the WS2801 strip, one led for each job, and from the bottom of the strip I added one blue led for each 10 builds in the queue. The led color was mapped to reflect the status of the Jenkins job, green led for stable builds, orange led for unstable builds, and red for failing builds. There are a few other odd/uncommon job statuses, namely not-built and aborted, the color for these were. Ongoing builds were illustrated by flashing the led intensity.

All of this was done in two threads, one which polled the Jenkins server for current status, about every five seconds. The other handled updating of the led strip and animation of the flashing leds, this thread ran at 50hz for super smooth transitions.
