
Our first enclosure 3D print!

A project log for Scintilla

We're building a low-cost, commercial grade gas sensor platform in order to democratize air quality data.

chris-del-guercioChris Del Guercio 07/15/2016 at 16:540 Comments

Our first two weeks at the Supplyframe Design Lab have been very research heavy. We've been busy figuring out which sensors we'd like to include, emailing chip manufacturers overseas, choosing how power and internet connectivity are going to work, etc. So, to make things more interesting Kyle showed up to the lab to help model and prep for 3D print a prototype design of the sensor enclosure. The black colored filament contributed to a sci-fi looking enclosure. Konrad suggested that it looks like a sticky bomb from Deus Ex.

Also, on Thursday, Robert de Groot of the Quake Catcher Network came to the lab to field our questions about sensor networks. The QCN is a network of seismometers that can be used in various applications ranging from early warning earthquake detection to education in K-12 classrooms. Robert had many insightful things to say about ways to move forward as well as potential pitfalls that we might come across in our project.
