
More 3D Printer Problems

A project log for ramanPi - Raman Spectrometer

The open source 3D Printable Raman Spectrometer using a RaspberryPi and easy to find off the shelf components..

flcfl@C@ 09/05/2014 at 17:592 Comments

Well, I set up the spectrometer for another trial print...this time with all of the mounting points, and mounts for the optics in place..  I've been using the glue sticks that come with the davinci printer..they work amazingly well..  This time, I had just ran out and tried another brand...  Nope.  Nothing sticks... didn't get very far... So I got some of the same brand I have been using... And went with that... the spectrometer at the quality print I selected was estimated for a 12 hour print..  

I set up the print, got the print bed all setup....and then watched it for the first 5-10 minutes... looked great...  So, I went to watch a movie... came back and.... AGH.. distaster..  

That doesn't look like a spectrometer at all...!

So, looks like another cleaning is in order..  That didn't last long.. and this was a new filament cartridge too..  Hopefully I can get it going again very soon.. Has anyone else experienced these kinds of failures with their printers so often?  I know I'm printing a lot, but I can't imagine it's that much more than a lot of people do...


peter jansen wrote 09/07/2014 at 22:55 point
I coat my da vinci bed with a layer of 1" thick Kapton tape. It's not messy at all, and the prints just pop off at the end (and have a beautiful finish on the bottom side!) :) Much less messy than the glue stick method.

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fl@C@ wrote 09/08/2014 at 22:37 point
That is a very tempting idea... I have a rostock that I used an aluminum plate for the base and coated it with kapton.. I totally agree, the glue is a mess and pretty annoying.. I think the problem I keep having is calibration.. When the parts don't pop off the base, and I try popping them off, the base moves..

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