
Triggy board v0.2

A project log for Triggy - Sensor Node for Life Automation

A smart sensor Node to trigger an action on a smartphone each time a physical change is detected (temperature, displacement, click...)

vinchVinch 05/09/2017 at 20:020 Comments

Hello everybody,

I made a new version of the Triggy board and I've just populated it with the parts (no change on the part list). Everything seems OK with this new board, in particular the antenna matching which provides correct output power.

Here are the changes versus the v0.1:

- Smaller PCB with corners cut: this new form factor will allow using a more interesting enclosure shape without increasing its size (more information in a new coming log).

- NFC2 pin no longer used as external board GND pin. The NFCx pins of the nRF52832 can be used as GPIOs, but the operation requires to flash some specific bits. Consequently it's easier to use other free pins.

- The two sensors on the external board now have separate GND pins.

- The references of the 32 MHz and 32 kHz crystal have been changed. Their load capacitance being different, I also have changed the associated capacitors.

That's all for now. The github now contains this v0.2 board.
