
Recap 7/29

A project log for TiaraC0n Tiara for DC24

14 days to DYI a tiara for bragging rights and prizes

techgirlTechGirl 07/29/2016 at 16:220 Comments

All parts have been printed, for the "Gems" I used transparent PLA and for the base and some other parts "Gunmetal Gray". all the gray parts were then coated with silver nail polish, followed by a top coat of silver glitter. The transparent parts received a topcoat of clear nail polish with iridescent glitter. Additional clear acrylic gems have been added for extra bling.

The hardware is still WIP, I have the perfboard for the button done and I have some of the neopixels soldered together but had to stop last night when I had to reglue one of the gems.

Code is at about 45%, I have one mode completed and running on a test bar of neopixels and the other mode should hopefully work better with the adafruit mic.
