

The Concussion Yielded Colored Light Operating Node System

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Neo Pixels will be mounted on a drum, and eventually a whole drum set. The lights will yield different colors and patterns depending on how the drum is his and which mode the drum is set to. For example the lights on the rim of the drum starts green and when hit the lights will start to turn red. But if left alone they return to green. Another possible mode is when a drum roll is started, depending on the speed of the roll the lights will appear to orbit the drum.

This project DOES NOT use arduino. An AtTiny 85/45 is being used, writting in C.

  • Thursday 8/26/16

    Dante Orona Yang08/26/2016 at 03:10 0 comments

    Today, I got the the byte operators down. By taking a base 10 value 0 -255 and comparing it using (variable & 0b00000000) i was able to convert the base ten value into a binary number in the high and low pulls of the pins. From there i repeat that three times to send data to each pixel. Each pixel requires it's own set of three values. For 4 Pixels you would need to repeat the byte process 12 times. However by using a function, it can be made easier. Now i have to work on making patterns, then make the sensor for the drum, and figure out the mounting system.

  • Tuesday 8/23/16

    Dante Orona Yang08/26/2016 at 03:02 0 comments

    Today, I worked out the timing per bit for the bits that will eventually become bytes. The one bits are 1300 nano seconds high, and 350 nano seconds low, while the zero bits are the opposite. I initially began using while loops and PINB =1/0 commands, but soon switched to NOP to adjust the time. Soon i will be able to string the bits into bytes which from there are strung in groups of three for the RGB data for each NeoPixles

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