
linus sharkbot 'fin'

My son Linus has decided that he wants to create his own version of a submarine shaped like a shark. (he is 6)

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It began as a trip to the local museum. My son Linus has decided that I am going to build him a robotic submarine shaped like a shark.

aka : Shark-Bot
aka: Fin

concepts being considered by five year old.
- The motherboard out of an old dell (probably way to big and cumbersome) however he is in scavenger mode
- multiple windshield washer pumps for propulsion
- back stabilizing fin
- two lower stabilizer fins
- camera one for above and one for below
- rock scoop for found materials

Note: The phrases above are from his list not mine, and his words. sounds like a lot of thought so far.

Goal: Working prototype by january 2016

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