
Looking for project help

A project log for Neotype: Haptic Computing

Communication platform: Text can be felt, as it is expressed

paulbeaudetPaul_Beaudet 06/23/2014 at 22:500 Comments

I'm a big proponent of open source, whether it be software or hardware. Its one thing to call any project open source and another for it to really be so. Open source should be colorful attracting many types. Might those types be major players or bit contributors. 

This projects needs more colorful individuals to really be open source! In open source software contributors can reap clear benefits of feature additions and bug fixes. Hardware is sometimes less clear for various reasons, but the hack-a-day space prize gives us unique opportunity to share the glory in a successful hardware project.  

Major contributors to the Neotype project will get split potential winnings pirate booty style, subject to contest terms and prize types. Bit contributors will have pronounced attribution. All contributors will be considered to be subsidized with project hardware on a merit basis. Please contact with intentions and skills, we mostly need individuals passionate about empowering the differently abled. Right now, in the software department double clicks and rocker motions need to be integrated with long holds for the haptic prototype and experimentation needs to start with the 9DOF prototype variant. 

Thank you!
