
Open watch

The Open Watch is a project to develop a watch that is completely configurable, hardware and software.

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This project idea is to create a wrist watch like device that could act as anything you wish! A multimeter, pentesting tool and even to tell the time:)
I will be using the esp8266 and the code will be in micropython.

This project was an old idea that I had a while back. I wanted to make a development board that would sit on your wrist like a watch and will be able to preform many functions, for instance to act as a small, crude multi-meter, or a cable detector, to find live cables behind a wall.

The watch so far is equipped with an oled screen and a temperature sensor. The system currently  derives the time from an ntp server using the ntptime() module, it uses the time gotten to initiate the internal clock. Though I could make continuous readings from the server, I don't want to rely on internet access for accurate time.

One of the important things I have been keeping in mind is that I must leave a large number of GPIO free for the user.

  • 1 × ESP8266 lolin v3 dev board
  • 1 × SSD1306 Oled display I2C version
  • 3 × Tactile switches
  • 1 × DS18B20 Sensors / Temperature, Thermal
  • 1 × DS3231 Clock and Timer ICs / Real-Time Clocks

  • Where I am holding now

    Lazer.Coh3n04/10/2020 at 13:33 0 comments

    The big issue I am working on at the moment is the menu class.
    The device is currently using 3 momentary tactile switches, one for entering a given menu and  then, while in the menu that button  acts as a select button. The other 2 buttons are for scrolling up and down.
    My idea is to have a class that creates an instance of a new customizable menu. For example if someone wants to create there own menu for a function that they have added, say for an IR transceiver,  the developer can create there menu using this class and it will automatically add this new menu as a branch to the existing  main menu. That way all the sub-menu's  are branches of the main menu and the developer will just have to define the sub-menu argument's and menu functionality.

    A part of the problem is that I am using interrupts on my input buttons. The micro-python firmware doesn't handle interrupts as well as I would have liked in that the function that is called can take only one argument, and that argument must be the Pin instance that triggered the interrupt. This drawback made some issues for me in handling the interrupts and I might even give up on using interrupts entirely.

    I am also just starting to work on adding the DS3231 RTC module being that the esp8266  internal RTC is not very accurate (check out where it says "known issues " in the link)

  • Progress

    Lazer.Coh3n04/10/2020 at 07:01 0 comments

    What I've got so far

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