
5/25 Meeting

A project log for Modular Universal Jamming Gripper

Universal 3D printed gripper for robotics.

automata-developmentAutomata-Development 05/31/2018 at 00:540 Comments

Today we met to work on the electronics and try a different type of coffee grounds in the gripper, as the type we were using before had a hard time gripping objects. We also installed a new air filter to replace the old one because it would clog and restrict air flow. We are using the following air filter: Unfortunately, we were unable to get the control circuit board working today. We will continue working on the board at our next meeting. We filled a new balloon with the new coffee grounds, however we were unable to test it today. We also started a box for the control board, pneumatic solenoid, and air pump 3D printing at the meeting.

Some pictures from today’s meeting:
