
Materials update

A project log for Lily Power Pods, TEG + Concentrated Solar

Thermal Electric Generator from concentrated solar, designed to float in water, small scale power anywhere in the world.

josh-starnesJosh Starnes 07/07/2018 at 11:550 Comments

OK so I do need certain supplies to make this project a go. Basically I am waiting on the TEG modules I ordered

I have so far received in the mail;

-6x6" 1/4 aluminum plates

-Mylar heat reflective film

-Thermal Adhesive

I still NEED to receive;

-TEG - Thermal Electric Generator Modules

( I contacted the supplier the they promise delivery Monday)

What I have already;

- PLA filament to print parts to assemble the structure

-Silicone adhesive caulk

-clear epoxy resin

-heat gun

-voltage regulator

Local pickup:

- stainless bolts

- flat black paint

- flat white paint

- non contact temp sensor
