
Stage 10 - version 0.1 and further development

A project log for [2018]Multipurpose modular haptic control

This project has an intention to develop a haptic device that can control almost everything, it must be cheap, easy to build and implement.

maximiliano-rojasMaximiliano Rojas 08/23/2018 at 05:070 Comments

At this point, I must decide between two pasts, officially announce the version V0.1 and improve the system (bug correction and more surprises) or develop more modules, so, as you can guess the version V0.1 is officially announced.

Due that I don't have a lot of time these weeks I hope that the community report bugs to correct them, but in my free time (and when I resolve significant bugs) I will update the programs, equations, and structures.

Least, but not less important, I want to incorporate several new improves and characteristic, like structure modification for specific task or fields of study (like surgery, or robot control). 

Any suggest will be welcome.

But first I must approve my exams, so you must wait a little.
