
Understanding the context

A project log for Braille Hop

An Interactive Learning Aid for Visually Challenged Children

rohit-guptaRohit Gupta 08/22/2018 at 04:060 Comments

Today we worked on organizing the knowledge and started ideation on the possible ways in which kids can learn Braille.

The games have broadly categorized the games into 4 distinct categories.

  1. Cognitive Toys: Toys that stimulate thinking and problem-solving are cognitive toys.
  2. Physical Toys: Toys that help in developing the gross and fine motor skills are physical toys.
  3. Sensory Toys: Toys that stimulate the senses of hearing, smell, touch, sight, and taste are sensory toys.
  4. Social Toys: Toys that help children to develop social skills and understand emotions are social toys.

The various kinds of toys/facilities we saw were :

The major learning problems were :
