
Mockups and Low Fi Prototyping

A project log for Braille Hop

An Interactive Learning Aid for Visually Challenged Children

rohit-guptaRohit Gupta 08/22/2018 at 05:360 Comments

After discussion with teachers and experts and evaluating the merits and demerits of each ideas, we decided to build mock-ups for the selected ones. These mockups will be presented to teachers and students under their supervision for feedback. A chosen concept will be worked upon later.

1. Puzzle Duck -> Mu Duck

2. Tasker
3.  Braille Box -> Braille Hop

The video of very early stage prototype was as follows:

Choosing the final concept

We presented these mock-ups to the experts for a feedback. The suggestions were:

Mu Duck
Easy for kids to relate to as it is similar to LEGO.Not Novel
Attendees need to take care of blocks
No semantic match
Costly to make
Only a small number of kids can play
TaskerInvolves physical activities
Has a social aspect
Helpful in developing communication
Difficult to explain the rules of the game every time to the students
Constant need of a supervisor
No exact goal or wining strategy
No Feedback
Braille Hop
Provides both learning and testing
Use of texture and bright colours
Allows physical play

Difficult to assemble
Lack of referencing that helps in orientation
Less feedback

Hence, we choose to work on Braille Hop. Our aim is to develop open source games for people affected by disabilities.  Hence, in proper spirit , we have open sourced our work to allow maximum reach. We hope many makerspaces /makers would contribute to this by suggesting changes and reproducing the design and installing it the schools.

We will now discuss the project as a build log.
