
ili9341 starting to work in thermal cam! lots of speed up work to do. it is also a touchscreen. Creating driver for this display that will optimize it as well.

A project log for spi write up to 64 colors at a time on Arduino!

amg8833 equivilent sensor thermal cam is a perfect example of how to write faster with spi lcd displays. 128x128 sample fast on Arduino.

jamesdanielvjamesdanielv 10/13/2018 at 04:550 Comments

ili9341 working on Arduino.  led backlight power lighting is in 3v pin, and lcd power 5v icsp header along with gnd  miso and mosi pins, enough power pins are left for powering amg8833 or mlx90460 sensor. there is other pin i/o to spare for touch and other devices. larger display might require more than a dry cell 9v can deliver. switching to alkaline, or running 2 9v in parallel. will keep posted on batteries used. for now it is back to using usb, while testing and rewriting drivers

ili9341 working on Arduino.

using 16x16 resolution for testing image without camera flash. on the st77xx display i have it working good to 64x64, while 128x128 works but has artifacts still.

screen shows dim from camera flash, testing it in 16x16 mode. drivers not optimized. adafruit has made some changes to the workings of the SPITFT of the drivers, and it means that the ili9341 drivers work a little different. i am not able to combine libraries so i have added a new sketch that defines what spi mode (internal library or one i include and a lcd_mode sketch that i can just drop in files for and switch which drivers work or not. i use

// #if lcd_mode ==0 

or //#if lcd mode == 0 at top of page code for it to run or not run . 

currently running at interpolateMode of 1, or 16x16, going to test out InterpolateMode of 2 and up later on, these are 32x32, and 64x64 and 128x128. this display is 240x320. it also is a touch screen. i might get the touch screen working as well on this display. my goal is to support the ili9341 display and the st7735 display from adafruit. other displays should work with some troubleshooting. only accelerated mode will work for these two displays. ( 10fps or 20fps interlaced mode ) 

i have not made optimized drivers yet for the ili9341. it runs currently at an average of 8fps, but it also only updates the pixels that change and prioritizes the ones that change the most in color value. if i place my hand over sensor and take hand away and all pixels change it slows down quite a bit. 
