
Laser Cutting

A project log for Pyxel Paradise

A DIY mini arcade cabinet that can run games built using Pyxel ( on the Raspberry Pi.

rkrishnasankarkrishnasanka 10/22/2018 at 15:250 Comments

After a ton of trouble finding a laser cutter shop that would actually cut the plywood for me, I managed to complete the fabrication in the University machine shop using their 60W Epilog laser cutter. Settings were as follows:


Please keep an eye on the cutting incase there's any fire. My suggestion is that you arrange all of the designs onto a single 12"x24" canvas first before you do the first cut. I made the mistake of not doing so and ended up wasting a lot of space on one of the sheets. 

Here's more data on setting kerf values which I wish I found before the fabrication: and here's the calibration method:
