
Week 8 - The Alpha Test

A project log for Dynamic Interactive - Urbanscapes

Design and Interactive experiential exhibit for Creative Arts segment of an annual local event called Urbanscapes

wilson-wijayaWilson WIjaya 11/18/2018 at 07:190 Comments


On this day, we were scheduled to finish up our very first alpha prototype. My partner and I soon realised we were quite left behind from most people around us. So like it or not, we had to hustle tirelessly doing our particular jobs - Ang handles the crafting and I handle the codings.

This is our cardboard prototype still in the making.

And this is me testing out the lights and barometer.

Down bellow is a squishy building based off Kuala Lumpur's tower with LED light strips rolled inside a cloth (used T-Shirt). As you can see, if the user squeezes, lights will be emitted. And the harder the user squeezes, the brighter the light. Cool, huh?

And prototype done.

Despite our completion, there are a number of flaws that we still had to fix in the near future. Here are the following considerate:

That's just the main problems. We still have to fix other minor problems that we haven't thought about on the spot. But that's alright. We are very optimistic of our final product by the end of the day.


After a long break from our Alpha prototype, we decided to go to a nearby hardware store and purchase all the materials necessary for our official exhibit model. This includes:

Once we had bought them, we head back to the lab and further discuss what should we do. We soon realised that when we decided on changing the sizes of the buildings and base means we should re-measure everything. Luckily we realised it earlier since we also had to further refine our project's aesthetic on how can we attract people to come and play with our buildings.

One particular building, which is the Sultan Abdul Samad Palace, was ditched due to difficulties on matching it with our theme, time and user experience.

From this...
Image result for sultan abdul samad this.
Image result for kuala lumpur science centerSo we agreed on a new building called the National Science Center. As you can see, it is a much easier building to work on with a round hemisphere - perfect for the squeezing portion - sitting on top of a cylinder - perfect to set the lights up. And yes, it seems to resemble a UFO.
