
Application Ideas

A project log for ElektroCaster

An open, modular guitar-design with some nifty features.

frank-piesikFrank Piesik 10/22/2018 at 11:300 Comments

Firstly, the ElektroCaster can be played like a normal (baritone-)guitar, which in itself I'm quite proud of. It's neck is admittedly kind of thick and I whish there would be thinner v-slots available (15x15 would be nice). But all in all, I really do enjoy playing it. 

Let's talk about what the ElektroCaster can do what others can't, by quickly sketch some possible applications. Some of them I allready have implemented and some are in the pipeline.

There are two main categories of applications I have in mind, while devolping this Guitar, which partially overlap: Eduaction and making music.


In the Video below you see me improvising along a b-major-scale. It's a bit hard to see, but there are different colors for different intervalls: The root is red, the third is green, the fifth blue and the seventh pink. The second, fourth and the sixth are darker and white. Although I know how to play a major scale over the entire fretboard, it's a really interesting experience - It feels releaving not think about the position of the notes.

Music making

In the video below you can see me playing a sequencer projected to the fretboard, which is programmed by using the touch-sensing frets. It works not perfect yet, but I'm making good progress to improve on that. Notice that the strings are muted and do only sound when the string touches a fret and the sequencer hits an activated step. The strings are hit with the blue device next to the pickup which basically consists of 6 solenoids. I call it KickUp.

This is just a demo implementation, but I think it shows which sonic possibillities are opend up by this combination of sensing led-frets, hexaphonic signal path with dsp and robotic elements like the kickup. Next step to improve the sequencer is to use envelopes to switch the strings on and off more smoothely.
