
Scary Pumpkin with motion detector and movements!

Pumkin with sensor which detects movement, then there’s the smart LED strip and I’ve also added servo motor to scare even more neighbors.

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This is demonstration and isnpiration how to quickly use BigClown IoT kit. BigClown communicates wirelessly and is using MQTT protocol. Lot of functionality is already implemented in SDK like digital LED, servo motor signals, evniromental sensors and PIR Motion detector. So it is easy to create IoT pumpkin.
Raspberry Pi with is used as a wireless gateway. Here also Node-RED is running that has flows that changes LED effects and sends commands for servo. You can also control everythin from your phone thanks to Ubidots or Blynk.

The project is using open-source BigClown kit for makers. Thanks to this it was easy to put all the functionality together. The pumpkin is controlled over MQTT. The MQTT command is send over reliable 868 MHz link thanks to the Radio Dongle. The pumpkin receives this command and sets effect, color or moves with the servo.

It works also the other way. The PIR Sensor sends event by radio which is translated to the MQTT topic. Also the temperature from the Core Module is reguraly sent.

Thanks to this it's really easy to create a effect scenario in node-RED and add all the functionality like random colors, change intensity based on time, control effects from your phone from Blynk or Ubidots.

The rules are set in Node-RED. And can be very easily set on-the-fly.

Here are the internals. 50 cm smart LED strip. In the middle Core Module that has the STM32L0 MCU + 868/915 MHz radio. The Power Module controls the LED strip.


USe BigClown Playground application to flash this to the Core Module

octet-stream - 76.49 kB - 10/17/2018 at 18:33


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  • 1
    Prepare the pumpkin

    Make eyes, mouth but maily the nose. In the nose you can hide PIR sensor.

  • 2
    Connect the modules

    Build the project from modules. Use Core Module and Power Module.

    Connect LED strip to the LED connector on the Power Module.

    Use 5V DC Adapter to power the whole stack of modules.

    The servo motor takes 5V and GND from the LED strip connector, servo signal is connected to the P14 pin.

  • 3
    Place LEDs

    LEDs should be located in the front so they cannot be seen from outside, just the flooded light.

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