
A Question of Crystals

A project log for Lerdge 3d Printer Mainboard Hacking

Breaking the encryption on the Lerdge series mainboards so I can try porting Marlin 2.0 to it.

jc-nelsonJ.C. Nelson 12/11/2018 at 06:171 Comment

My code wasn't taking control of the lerdge, as I might have mentioned, and with a little bit of in-memory debugging, I determined that we never exit the clock setup. I cloned the arduino variant from the discovery 407, which means I basically ignored all the normal guidance - you're supposed to run the cube, generate a definition for the board,a nd copy the clock init out of that with all the appropriate peripherals set up.

I'm on a mac and having trouble getting it to run, so I'm looking closer at the hardware and not seeing the obvious style of crystal I"m used to on the lerdge-X. So tomorrow I'll probably go part by part until I figure out what it is. Then I can generate a proper definition and try again to get proper Arduino code running.


plam wrote 12/14/2018 at 01:26 point

The crystal on on the board is 25MHz and is located in the middle of the board close to the MCU. See here :

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