
Day 2

A project log for Jodie and John's Epic Project

A rain water detector

jodie-mclennanJodie McLennan 12/12/2018 at 21:361 Comment

Today we set up the circuit on the breadboard. In Multisim we found that the buzzer was going off with the switch closed. When we tried to test it on the breadboard we found that the buzzer went off at 3.55V instead of the 12V that Multisim and what we had predicted. The 3.55V worked for a buzzer and a speaker. Next time we might add a voltage divider to give only 3.55V to the buzzer for a 9V battery source. We will also try to figure out why the Multisim and our breadboard differ.  


Ellie T wrote 12/13/2018 at 04:50 point

If the voltage divider is too complicated to fit on the board or messes up with some current stability, maybe you could just add a big bunch of diodes before the buzzer to drop the voltage? Random thoughts.

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