
Getting the scope into my wifi

A project log for IVAR, the hack rack

Since I've got a lot of my stuff in an IKEA IVAR rack, I decided to take the rack to the next level.

christophChristoph 12/18/2018 at 22:020 Comments

I want to mount my Rigol DS1054Z scope to the rack. That alone won't be too hard, but there are two complications:

So I decided to add a Raspberry Pi (3B+) to the scope, to give it a wifi interface. That, however, wasn't the easiest thing for me because my networking experience ends at "install pre-configured router, get cat pictures". The devices involved are:

Primary goal: get screenshots from the scope to my laptop over wifi.

After some discussion about the right approach in the hack chat and on stack exchange (, I've finally found a working solution (thanks to @Ted Yapo ).

Network setup

Preparation of the RPi

  1. a fresh install of raspbian stretch lite 2018-11-13
  2. In the SD card's boot partition:
    • place a file called ssh to enable ssh
    • place a wpa_supplicant.conf, it will be copied to /etc/wpa_supplicant during configuration
  3. edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf to have a static IP for eth0, in a subnet different from the wifi router's. My dhcpcd.conf for eth0:
    interface eth0
    static ip_address=
    static routers= 
  4. enable IPv4 forwarding:
    • uncomment the following line in /etc/sysctl.conf
    • apply change:
      sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" 
  5. reboot 

Preparation of the scope

Configure static IP in the new subnet:

Preparation of the router

Add a routing rule to the new subnet via the RPi's wifi interface

Preparation of the laptop:

Nothing network specific, I just installed the ds1054z python package. See and

Taking a screenshot

Now iIt's easy: open a terminal on the laptop and execute

ds1054z save-screen --overlay 0.6

In my network this takes about 4 seconds. The result is placed in the current working directory and would look like this:

The screenshot with my scope's IP configuration was taken with the same method, so you get menus as well - whatever you see on the real screen.

Why an RPi?

So one more device to add to the rack.
