ProIR is an IR sensors array with 5 IR sensors and 3 Indicators LEDs specially designed to take perfect & clear readings for black and white surface at different heights and Light, The value difference between colors is very good as compared to the other available options, so your line following robot can follow the track more fast.

You can connect your controller with array using 12 Male headers available at the left bottom side of the array.

After connecting all pins as per described in pin Diagram with Arduino, you can get analog input from S1-S5 pins via AnalogRead Function, that analog reading will be changing clearly with change in surface color, it`ll be greater than 300 on black surface and less than 100 on white surface ( depending upon light conditions ). Pro IR array can give clear voltage difference at different height and light.

You can use 3 Available LEDs to check calibration of sensors without using Serial monitor.

Arduino Sketch is available here on this page with a video is attached to help you interfacing Array with Arduino, 
Video : YouTube
instructables :Code

for any queries regarding pro IR array you can contact me at :

Shah Fahad Ahmed,
Pro Code,
Karachi, Pakistan