
Week 10- Process and experiment

A project log for Dynamic Interactive - Story

This is a school project that follows my story / creating with digital fabrication and physical computing.

ah-chengAh Cheng 05/07/2019 at 18:320 Comments

Continue with week 9, the figure is getting improve compare to the first design and experiment, the first design is using 3 layer of figure shape, because the layer is have to use for strut the servo motor and knife, also because due of limited space of figure shape. First try of  figure show on screen the shadow cant clearly see the knife, and the figure shape also blue, so have to think more to solve this problems, finally has fix it at the following the picture is show the improve after the first experiment, simple and make good use of space by using one layer of figure shape.

The little problems:

the servo motor that push forward the knife sometimes is hard to push out, sometimes will run of space, also sometimes the servo motor is not moving and shock, lucky this problems has no longer and already solve it.

The coding part for Arduino:

the coding has no much changers and it is working normally。
