
ESP8266 based EPD Google Calendar

List of the upcoming Google Calendar events on a Waveshare's 7.5inch e-Paper HAT (B) driven by an arduino NodeMCU run on battery

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In the dining room of my community people like to see the list of the upcoming guests and events of the house. It is difficult to keep the paper update on the wall so I've begin to work on this projects.

  • I think an e-ink screen in a dining room is much nicer than any kind of tft, oled, etc. So I bought a Waveshare's 7.5inch e-Paper with HAT (C). I
  • Even though Waveshare offers its own Arduino Library I use the famous GxEPD2 Library installed through the Arduino IDE 
  • I use arduino based NodeMcu ESP8266 V3 - WIFI Internet Development Board Module for multiple projects, so why not to use here as well.

  • 1 × Waveshare 640x384, 7.5inch E-Ink display + HAT, Three-color:Red,Black White, SPI Interface, No Backlight ~58USD
  • 1 × NodeMcu ESP8266 V3 - WIFI Internet Development Board Module

  • Test the code

    borazslo01/18/2019 at 18:46 2 comments

    The GxEPD2 offers an example code, but it needs some adjustments: 

    - You need to change all the "const char" parts of the code to "char". 

    - You need to comment out the line of the right display around Line 92:

    GxEPD2_3C<GxEPD2_750c, GxEPD2_750c::HEIGHT / 4> display(GxEPD2_750c(/*CS=15*/ SS, /*DC=4*/ 4, /*RST=5*/ 5, /*BUSY=16*/ 16));

    - The right pin mapping should be adjusted in the same line 

    GxEPD2_3C<GxEPD2_750c, GxEPD2_750c::HEIGHT / 4> display(GxEPD2_750c(D8,  D3, D4, D2));

    Upload the code and see the miracle. :D 

  • Wiring it Up

    borazslo01/18/2019 at 18:38 0 comments

    The GxEPD2 Library suggests the following mapping  from Waveshare SPI e-Paper to ESP8266 NodeMCU:

    • BUSY -> D2
    • RST -> D4
    • DC -> D3,
    • CS -> D8
    • CLK -> D5
    • DIN -> D7
    • GND -> GND
    • 3.3V -> 3.3V

    It works quite well (with the necessary adjustment in the code)

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