
LCD Screen (22/11/18)

A project log for Gesture Controlled Smartwatch

A larger, more functional smartwatch with gesture controllability

thomas-mckinneyThomas McKinney 02/27/2019 at 18:250 Comments

First off, still working on the Arduino front of the project. I have connected a simple 16x2 LCD screen to the Arduino. This will allow the display of the measured data from the FSR (Force) Sensors once I have reached that stage. I do not intend on having the LCD attached in the final proof of concept for this project as it will become irrelevant once the FSR data is displayed in real time on the Raspberry Pi's GUI. 

This step, how it connects and the code, is covered in Project 11 (Crystal Ball) in the Arduino Projects Book that comes with the Arduino Starter Kit. 

Next step is to buy an FSR and display its readings on the LCD
