
GUI Progress (05/12/18)

A project log for Gesture Controlled Smartwatch

A larger, more functional smartwatch with gesture controllability

thomas-mckinneyThomas McKinney 02/27/2019 at 20:430 Comments

The Kivy GUI coding has come along a lot since I last spoke about it in a project entry. I've been learning more through watching Youtube videos, forums to see other peoples codes and how they work, replicating patterns of them etc, rather than going through the book. I found this to save time, as rather than going through everything, I know roughly what I want to achieve so google has been my best friend in helping me learn the commands for that first off. 

It's an amalgamation of buttons and screens with a few processes so far. Buttons to either take you from one screen to another or play/stop music. 

Here's a video of it:

As you can see, I have a bug with the music playback, it will play the song as many times as you hit the play button, but the stop button will only stop the latest play back. So I need to write a routine for the button to play process to check if a song is already being played or not to decide if to play the song. 

So a couple of bugs to sort out and a definite face lift required once I get to grips some more with this coding language.

EDIT: Unfortunately, writing this blog later, I don't have the code file to upload for this early version of the GUI
