
New Strap

A project log for Gesture Controlled Smartwatch

A larger, more functional smartwatch with gesture controllability

thomas-mckinneyThomas McKinney 03/04/2019 at 15:470 Comments

So I've come up with a new idea for a strap. Now that I am building up a larger experience using these FSR Sensors, i've noticed that they will not require at least one sturdy/rigid surface to be able to measure from. I believe these sensors will work just fine using something along the lines of a traditional leather strap. As long as its tightened sufficiently around the wrist, to create some small pre loading that I can account for, it should then be able to pick up differing measurements all the same. 

I've tested this by wearing an old watch of mine and by using double sided sticky tape, secured a sensor head to the inside of the strap. 


But with one drawback, it works a little too well as a heart beat sensor. It picks up my pulse slightly, so without any movement of the wrist/hand for gestures there is a continuously changing measurement. This is going to prove very difficult to compensate for when coding the algorithms for gesture recognition. 

For now, I think I'm going to focus on the glove form factor I have mentioned previously just so i can get something built that works within the time frame of this Masters Project. The plan: to secure the sensors at the finger tips of a glove, and then casting measurements by pinching together fingers which will lead to actions on the 'smartwatch'. If I the time, I will revisit the strap sensor form factor.
