
15 – testing smart high side switch

A project log for Universal undervoltage lockout up to 34V input

Feature-packed over-discharge protection. Set the cell-count, minimum cell voltage and dip-time below threshold. Fully hackable!

janJan 11/11/2019 at 17:192 Comments

Just a quickie:

I expect the test-boards for the BTS441RG smart high-side power switch to arrive end of this week.

This thing has some awesome protection features:

The only "downside" is the relatively high Rdson of 20mΩ. But I'll do some thorough tests with this puppy. Stay tuned!


Simon Merrett wrote 11/12/2019 at 06:55 point

Really looking forward to hearing how these devices perform! 

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Jan wrote 11/12/2019 at 08:13 point

Yeah, me too! They have several interesting devices, but they're not exactly cheap... is another interesting one with a much lower Rdson but its >5€/pc.

On the other hand a good MOSFET with a current shunt and good ADC or current amplifier comes into that range too...

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