
Closing in on Enclosures

A project log for Grinder Minder

Bench Grinders are everywhere. So are fingers. May the two never meet. That's where grinder minder comes in.

scott-swaaleyScott Swaaley 08/04/2019 at 04:110 Comments

While the circuit design settles down, we're starting to think about a longer game when it comes to the finalized product. Specifically around the form of the thing. What should it look like? Where should it go? Should it attach directly to the Grinder or next to it? I've started playing around with a few different ideas, but with the manufacturing aspect to consider first, we're starting with the assumption that we'll likely end up either designing it ourselves, or sourcing something that does the job already. Since we're thinking plastic is going to be a good material for the forms we're considering, we'd likely need to use injection molding. Alternatively, if we can find some pre-fabbed enclosures at a modest price, we may just jump on that to simplify our lives.

While we review and research the comparative costs, I ginned up a quick prototype design and am currently printing it. It's a bit bulky, but it carries that angled and chamfered look that really says "I'm designed to be stepped on and kicked around". Given our target market, it makes sense. Here's some photos, and a quick exploded design.
